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 A compass for strategic decisions

How to select the best solution for growth?
What is the most competitive solution?
How can I secure sustainability of my project?

Paradigms of mobility are constantly changing as well as are changing needs of urban and extra urban mobility. ECMobility Initiative supports you:


  • in selecting among different options, the most suitable solution for a given operating environment

  • to define the best architecture allowing to make sustainable the concept of a new vehicle 

  • identifying the best entry strategy in new international Markets.

These are some of the potential topics on which the long experience of ECMobility Initiative can offer you the solution based on a long series of projects developed worldwide.

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ECMobility initiative intends to promote the development of efficient solutions for urban mobility and related operations, fostering the guidelines of U.N. sustainable development goals.

In particular goal #7, 9 and 11 on

Energy, Industry and Sustainable Cities

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